BG Fit

We’re proud of our 100% satisfaction guarantee!

If you’re not completely satisfied with your BG Fit come back and we will work on it till we make it right!

Service is the heart and soul of Ascent Cycling that is why we are committed to providing our customers with unique services like BG Fit. The concept and technology behind Specialized BG Fit is to make the man and the machine become one. Which means that we take the time to fit the bike to you and the unique riding qualities, not the other way around. Traditionally, the cycling world wanted the riders to conform to the “proper” riding position. But with further review and research not all people are built the same (shocking!) and therefore by adjusting the bike not the rider we have seem less long term injuries and better riding techniques. A win win for everyone!

BG Fit

By Appointment Only – Please allow about 2 hours for Your BG Fit
Patrick Cross, an owner of Ascent Cycling, has been trained and is BG Fit Certified by Specialized. Dr. Andy Pruitt Ed.D developed BG Fit (Body Geometry Fit Integration Technology) to increase cyclists riding experience. It is a philosophy that through proper riding posture and fitting the bike to your unique body needs, “any cyclist will ride faster, longer and in greater comfort, while reducing the chance for injury.”

Learn more about the Specialized BG Fit Process

The BG Fit Process consists of five steps to insure your get the most custom riding experience for your body type:
1. Pre Fit Interview: wether you are a novice or an experienced cyclist every fit begins with an interview so we can fully understand your riding needs, physical history and desired goals.

2. Flexibility Assessment: This is not an assessment to see if you can touch your toes this is just a tool to give us an accurate illustration of your physical attributes (foot structure, knee position, spinal curve, shoulder extension, hip flexion and leg length) and..well..your flexibility.

3. Side View: by assessing the side view of your riding position we are able to configure and adjust your bikes seat height, handlebar height, stem length and cleat position to deliver the correct neutral position to give you the most powerful and comfortable riding experience.

4. Front View: Viewing how you ride from the front gives us the proper view point to optimize your hip, knee, and foot alignment. By maximizing the squareness of the saddle and the placement of your shoes and peddles we will be able to align your lower body for greater balance, performance and power.

5. Follow Up: We can only do so much in a bike stand. We want you to be able to feel the difference after your BG Fit. That is why we reach out and make sure that all adjustments we made are working for you. About a week after your visit Patrick will reach out to discuss the effectiveness of how your riding your bike and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

For Further Information Please Visit the Specialized Website or give Patrick at Ascent Cycling a call!