Ascent Cycling and Trek Bicycles in Colorado Springs
You buy a Trek bicycle because you want in on a brand that’s got the industry clocked, delivering every type of bike to every type of rider. The men and women out of Waterloo, Wisconsin design and develop a two-wheeled steed for your century road ride on one end of the spectrum, and all the way to your downhill mountain bike race debut on the other.
Yeah, they’ve got range, and yeah, they’ve been around for forever-and-a-half, but there’s no letup from Trek on staying at the front of the pack with each bike they offer. They pair up with motorsport companies to develop more efficient rear suspension, they hire top-notch athletes to provide feedback on their skinny- and fat-tired offerings, and they have O.G.s like Andrew Shandro on hand to keep the company’s vibe balanced between work and play. Seriously, YouTube “Andrew Shandro Seasons” and thank me later.
There’s always gonna be the new, hot bike brand. It’s a fact, like 2 and 2 equaling 4, or like Jolanda Neff is one of the most technically gifted cross-country racers on the planet. So, what happens when you skip out on the zeitgeist marque and instead choose to buy a Trek that’s got the beautiful, modern lines and bang-up-to-date measurements and materials? Well, my friend, it means you can revel in knowing you spent your money properly on a fantastic bike from a brand that isn’t going anywhere.
That’s a fact, too.